Friday, April 29, 2011

A Lesson in Excitement

Last week, Gepher hopped on the motorcycle and headed out to Hidden Island to share the good news of Hope for Tomorrow with the families and children of this community.

Hidden Island is a community filled with families struggling to get by.  They live in homes made of tin roofs and bamboo walls.  Several of these families make their living doing jobs we cannot imagine (such as sorting garbage for materials that can be sold for recycling).  Many rely on the nearby river to feed their families.  Its a community where most children are unable to attend school or have had to quit due to the cost.  Its exactly the type of children and families that need Hope for Tomorrow.


Gepher gathered the kids and begin asking who would like to go to school in June.  The screams, laughter, and shrills of excitement was heard throughout.  The children were so excited about the possibility they would get to go to school.  One little boy came running up to Gepher saying, "Kuya Gepher, Kuya Gepher!  What about me, what about me??  Can I go to school?"

Gepher went house to house explaining to the parent's about the scholarship program, the qualifications of the program, and what this would mean for their children and their family.  The parents were so excited that at least one child in their family would have the opportunity for a brighter future.  With tears in her eyes, one mother expressed to Gepher that she never thought she'd be able to send one of her children to school.  I cannot even imagine what that mother must have felt.

WOW!!  Who knew that a little boy would get as excited about the chance to go to school as he would a brand new toy??  Who knew a mother would cry over the opportunity for one of her children to go to school.  God showed us through the small boy and mother just how Hope for Tomorrow can change lives!

School starts in about 6 weeks and we are so excited about the plans God has for this school year as we begin changing lives one child at a time!!

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