Monday, May 14, 2012

Looking through the Rearview Mirror

One year ago, Hope for Tomorrow was just a dream.  It was a dream of changing a child’s life, a dream of being Jesus in a tangible way, and a dream of sending only five students to school.  Today, Hope for Tomorrow is Matthew 17:20 in action.  “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…nothing will be impossible.”  Because of faith and generosity, the impossible has become possible for our twenty-eight children!


As we take a moment to look in the rearview mirror and reflect over the first year of Hope for Tomorrow, I can’t help but first stop and say “Thank You”.  Thank you to God for blessing this ministry beyond our wildest imagination.  He opened doors for us and provided opportunities we never thought possible.   We also want to thank our sponsors.  Your generous donation of money, clothes, books, shoes, vitamins, angel gifts, school supplies, and other items allowed us to minister to these children’s every need.  Your support allowed us to provide more opportunities for these children (Hope for Tomorrow Sundays, Field Trips, Honor Roll Program, End of School Party, Christmas Program, Carnival, Children’s Library, Summer Program, etc) than we ever imagined.

The children in the Hope for Tomorrow program come from nothing.  Most of them live with dirt floors and bamboo walls.  Many of them have chores we would think should be done by adults.  They have worries most children their age should not have to even think about.  All of these responsibilities and realities are forgotten when they are in school and participating in the HFT activities.  With us they get to just be a kid!  It’s in this environment that we have seen the children soar!  Their self-esteem and self-confidence have grown exponentially.  They now feel special, loved and worth something.

We have so many wonderful memories this year of the children reaching new milestones.  I vividly remember James Ombao giving Gepher a high five because he could read!  Vanessa and Princess bring a smile to my face every time I remember them telling me they use to be teased at school because of where they live (they live outside of the cemetery), but now because of HFT they aren’t!  I can’t help but smile when I think about Marilyn coming into church on Sunday to tell me she finished 10th in her class!  And then there was Hannah Mae who was so proud of her homework grades that she couldn’t wait to pull it out of her backpack to show me at lunch.  I’ll never forget Joan who repeated the 3rd grade this year and finished with the highest grades she’s ever achieved.  These are just a few of the victories the children achieved.

This year has been an amazing year filled with answered prayers, transformations, and God’s hand actively at work.  We know this is only the beginning and we cannot wait to see what God has in store for this coming year!

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